Air Sealing 3ACH or less

One of the most important ways that a home both remains efficient and healthy is to properly air seal the frame. Duct-EZ® air sealing system can dramatically reduce a homes indoor air loss due to infiltration and exfiltration of heated and cooled air, as well as reducing polluted allergens from entering your home.

Our Process Seals Every Aspect of the Home

Duct-EZ® surpasses other air sealing systems by ensuring compliance with building codes, meeting Energy Star® standards, and delivering exceptional performance even in extreme temperatures. Say goodbye to heat loss and protect your hard-earned money! Our proprietary, water-based, low VOC mastic is designed for either spray or air-gasket application. Once applied correctly, Duct-EZ® forms a flexible, airtight seal. Unlike any other product, Duct-EZ® excels in cold temperatures—its spray can be applied at temperatures as low as 15ºF, and its air gasket can function at temperatures as low as –20ºF!

Air infiltration causes the dirt ring around the perimeter of the carpet.

Keep contaminants out with Duct-EZ® air sealing throughout your home!

Duct-EZ Bucket

Duct-EZ® is a best-in-class product delivering:

  • Easy application

  • Speedy installation

  • Cost within your budget

  • Results within 3 ACH

Reduce Pollutants & Allergens

Duct-EZ® air sealing can dramatically reduce a homes indoor air loss due to infiltration and exfiltration of heated and cooled air, as well as reducing polluted allergen air from entering your home.

Why Seal the Home?

Air sealing the home is the most critical phase to building an energy efficient home. The purpose of air sealing is to reduce the flow of air in or out of the home. Homeowners notice the leakiness of their home more so on windy days, and on extreme hot or cold days than on other day throughout the year. All homes leak, but some leak more than others.

Air leakage not only causes comfort issue within the home, but it can also be the reason for health issues, humidity, water damage and allows insects and pest to enter the home. Properly air sealing your home is the optimal way to reduce heating and cooling costs and to feel more comfortable.

How Does Air Escape?

Air Escape Chart

Key Factors

Before air sealing is completed, work closely with the builder to review the following key areas in the home to identify specific areas that may need extra attention:

  • Framing factors

  • HVAC ductwork locations

  • Rooms over garages or ambient space

  • Windows and doors

  • Penetrations

  • Ceiling lights and fans

  • Drop ceilings or soffits

  • Basement or slab sill plates

  • Attic top plates

  • Kneewalls

The sealing of each area indicated above needs to be adequately sealed to achieve a high performing, energy efficient home. Work closely with the person who is performing the AIP (Air Infiltration Package) so that both parties know where the sealing should be implemented.

Common Problems

Every penetration made in the thermal boundary is at risk of causing air leakage. To seal the home adequately, a thorough review of the home must be made to ensure ALL penetrations have been sealed. HVAC, electrical, plumbing and framing contractors routinely make penetrations in the home without sealing them up afterwards. We highly recommend one additional inspection be performed prior to drywall to ensure nothing has been missed. This inspection can be performed by the superintendent or by a 3rd party inspector. It doesn’t matter who does the inspection, but it is very important that it is done.

The Bottom Line

Top factors to consider: allergens, pollutants, dust, carbon monoxide, pressurization and uncomfortable conditions causing some rooms to be cold in the winter and and others to be hot in the summer. Home depressurization, as well as equipment strain on the fan motor (furnace), will cause the HVAC system to struggle to get the correct amount of air to balance the return and supply side registers of your home. Again causing some rooms to be cold in the winter and and others to be hot in the summer causing discomfort throughout your home. The average replacement cost for the air handler (furnace) and air conditioning coil with the outdoor AC unit can be as high as $8,500. This is why HEAT BLEED has been an epidemic that must stop. Last year the average home lost $1,144.00 to heat bleed!

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