The Duct-EZ® system uses a proprietary, water-based, zero-VOC mastic ready for spray or air-gasket application. Once properly applied, it creates a flexible, air-tight seal. Duct-EZ® air sealing results are within 3 ACH and duct leakage of 4% or less!
Duct-EZ® was developed through the collaborative efforts of our product development team. We saw a need to help builders meet the Residential Codes, Energy Star for new homes, as well as the ACCA standards (Air Conditioning Contractors of America). We worked with several contractors over a 6 month period only to realize the requirement to seal ductwork with a product that meets UL-181 testing requirements was not enforced on a consistent basis. In addition, HVAC installers were not properly trained in "the art of duct sealing." We found it extremely difficult to overcome the thought process of: We've been doing it this way for years and never had a problem. With this thought process, advancements in building would never happen.
Consequently, we modeled a system to properly seal, test and train others on the "Art of Duct Sealing". With years of knowledge about emulsions, we worked with chemists to develop Duct-EZ® that can be spray applied, or hand applied much easier than normal mastic materials. Techniques were developed to ensure the success of the sealing process and to meet any level of testing required of a contractor. We became so confident in Duct-EZ® and our techniques that we added a "No Fault Guarantee". We have used Duct-EZ® on thousands of new homes and they all met or exceeded the code and/or Energy Star requirements. We accomplished this even though 97% of the homes used open framed cavities for their return air ducting.

Duct-EZ’s® Applications
During our modeling process we discovered other viable uses for Duct-EZ®. Air sealing of the structure and radon sealing between the concrete floor and the foundation wall. All applications have worked very well due to the strong expandable characteristics of Duct-EZ®. Duct-EZ® is a UL 181 B-M listed product.